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  • Writer's pictureRamil Donoso

How to Get Hired as A Virtual Assistant

Updated: Aug 6, 2020

How to Get Hired as A Virtual Assistant, this is a common question in the freelancing industry. As a virtual assistant, getting hired for the very first time is not easy that is why you need to prepare yourself holistically and ensure that you are qualified to compete with the surge of freelancers around the globe.

The prerequisites of getting hired as a virtual assistant are, of course, access to computer and internet, your freelancing skills, payment method, and portfolios.  In our Freelancing Course, these were thoroughly discussed. This is a course you can take so you can be launched in your freelancing journey properly, and you will learn lessons on virtual assistance setup and other competitive skills that you can start with because the more you go for in-demand skills, the more your chances of getting hired as a virtual assistant.

Getting Hired Tips

How to Get Hired as A Virtual Assistant: Application Tips

In order for you to get hired as a virtual assistant, you should see to it that in every application that you will take, you should incorporate the 3Ps FVA Success Formula. What are these 3Ps?

First is you need to personalize your proposal. It shouldn’t be a copy and paste nor using a generalized theme. You should read the job description and see what the pain points are. From there, you can craft a personalized application that suits best the client’s brand, culture, and needs.

Second is you need to provide solutions. You need to communicate how can you help with the client’s pain points. Provide a free assessment, plan, detailed flow of how you can help boost business success. You need to clearly get across the message that you are there to make it easier for them.

Lastly, you need to produce proof of your skills, professionalism, and expertise. These can be done through an online freelancing website, social media freelancing accounts, photos, screenshots, certificates, documents, etc. that will highlight your experience and capability.

Here's an example of a an application proposal, incorporating the 3Ps mentioned above.

Follow these application tips and your well on your to getting hired as a virtual assistant.

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